
Monday, April 18, 2016

L’Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare - Extraordinary Oil Curls Product Line

Hair care is something I take seriously. For those of you who don't know, I have long, coarse, really thick hair. It is almost completely straight on top and near my neck (unless I've braided it and then those areas might have a little bit more wavy), super wavy in the middle (so wavy a flat iron doesn't completely straighten it), and prone to dryness and frizz. It's tricky to maintain it, so I'm always looking for products that will make my job a little bit easier. Through #Crowdtap and participation in the L'Oreal Paris Crowd I had an opportunity to try out the new L’Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil CURLS product line to see if these products could help me have #ExtraordinaryHair.
Here is how my hair looked before I started using these products. My ends were really dry and frizzy, and the rest of my hair was kind of shapeless and hard to manage. I started, as per the instructions given to me as part of my product sampling mission, with the Exraordinary Oil Curls Re-Nourish Mask. Following the instructions on the product, I got my hair wet, then worked the product through my hair from roots to ends. The product had an interesting texture, kind of like spreadable margarine, and I had a hard time getting it to work all the way the through my hair. But once I got it spread through, I put it up in a bun and then let it sit in my hair for about 20 minutes. After my time was up I hopped in the shower, rinsed out the mask - which took a while because I had coated my hair really well - and then continued on with the other two products.

After using the mask I used the Extraordinary Oil Curls Shampoo to wash my hair. This product was disappointing to me. It didn't want to lather very well (one of the traits I look for in a good shampoo) and it also didn't rinse out very well. I applied two batches of shampoo (this is normal for me, the first loosens up the oils on my scalp and the second seems to get my hair nice and clean), but even after the second batch my hair still didn't feel clean. I figured that the oils in the product weren't breaking down the oils in my scalp very well, but I figured I'd keep going and see how my hair reacted to this product over time.
Finally, I applied the Extraordinary Oil Curls Conditioner, combed it through my hair to spread it all the way to my ends, and then let it sit on my hair for a few minutes while I finished the rest of my shower. Then I rinsed it out. I was amazed at how it rinsed out well, but still kept my hair feeling moisturized. I then towel dried my hair and then styled it for my first "after" photo.
I then let my hair dry the rest of the way (over night and into the next afternoon - yeah, my thick hair takes forever to dry) and then took a second set of "after" photos. You can see that my ends are much smoother, my wavy hair is much more defined, and my hair isn't frizzy - without the aid of the leave-in treatment that I had to use when I took my "before" photo. I was able to go a normal amount of time before having to wash my hair again (about 5 days) and then I tried the L'Oreal Paris Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil Curls Shampoo and Conditioner again.
This time, I was once again disappointed with the shampoo - I will not be using it again for my hair, it just doesn't clean my scalp and even triggered a dandruff breakout - but the conditioner worked great. I liked how smooth the ends of my hair were, and I was even able to try out some fun hair styles that I've been wanting to for a while because my hair was much more manageable than it has been for quite some time.
Overall, I like the concept of this product line, and I will probably use both the hair mask and the conditioner again. The shampoo would probably be fine for someone without an oily, dandruff prone scalp, so I would recommend the product to others if you have super dry hair and scalp. After using these products my hair was more manageable, my wavy hair was more wavy without being weighed down by leave-in treatments, and my frizz is gone, so for the most part, L'Oreal Paris' Advanced Haircare Extraordinary Oil products did their job and helped me have #ExtraordinaryHair!

**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and the L'Oreal Paris Crowd.**

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