
Monday, February 8, 2016

Mucinex® Fast-Max® Liquid Gels - Relief for a Busy Mom

This was a product sampling that I was hoping that I wouldn't have try too soon, but this past week it turned out that I was glad to have Mucinex® Fast-Max® Liquid Gels on hand. Last Thursday I started feeling rotten. My head was stuffy, my muscles were aching, and I just wanted to curl up and sleep all day. But then my 18 month old daughter woke up from her nap, my 3 year-old got bored with her TV show, and whether I liked it or not, life resumed. So, I figured I might as well give Mucinex® Fast-Max® Liquid Gels a try.
Since I was pretty busy with my little ones, I'm not sure exactly how fast this medicine started working, but the next time I took a break I noticed that I did feel a bit better. My head wasn't as stuffy and my body wasn't aching so bad that I just wanted to cry. I still hurt a little bit, and I didn't forget that I wasn't feeling good, but I was able to keep on being mom and that was a blessing. Also, that evening, to help me sleep better I took Mucinex® Fast-Max® Liquid Gels for Night and my aches and stuffy head didn't keep me from sleeping (my teething baby did, but that's a completely different story).
As for how this product holds up to the competing DayQuil and NyQuil products, which I have use quite a bit in the past, it does some things better and some things about the same. I didn't notice any major difference between the two when it came to pain relief. They both seem to help me push through the headache and muscle aches of having a cold. But I did notice a big difference when it came to the stuffy head.  Mucinex® Fast-Max® Liquid Gels seemed to do a better job controlling the build up of mucus in my head and relieved the pressure in my sinus and helped slow my runny nose. Overall, this product seems to do what it claims to and did a great job breaking up the mucus that came with my cold and I will definitely turn to it in the future when mucus rears it's ugly head.
**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and Mucinex®.**

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