
Thursday, March 3, 2016

o.b.® PRO COMFORT® Tampons: Small and Simple

It is time, yet again, for another one of my sampling opportunities.  This time I receive,d from #Crowdtap, a package with three boxes of o.b.® PRO COMFORT® Tampons and three convenient carrying cases to go along with each sample.
The idea for this sampling was for me to try out one box and to give the other two away to two of my friends. My two lucky friends who got to help me out with this sampling were Sarah Connell and Laurie Allen. Here are pictures of those two lovely ladies with their samples:
Now for those of you who don't know, o.b.® does tampons a little bit differently than other companies. Their tampon design began 50 years ago in Germany. It was designed by Dr. Judith Esser, a female gynecologist who only had women's best interests in mind. The tampons are made with healthy, renewable products, and guess what? They don't have an applicator. This means less waste, smaller size, and easier to carry with you. With or without their convenient carry case they take up less space in your bathroom, purse, or pocket than traditional tampons do. They are also designed to do a better job at preventing leaks and there are different varieties for all the different needs of women during their periods.
At first, I'll admit, I was a little leery about using a tampon without an applicator. But I figured that I'm a grown woman and I should just 'woman up!" and try them, so I did. There were several things that I liked about these and will make it likely for me to use them again. First, to my surprise, inserting them without an applicator actually caused less discomfort than a normal tampon does. Second, with less applicator caused irritation, I was able to use tampons back-to-back during my period which I normally don't do. Third, they did a really good job and I didn't experience any leaks, although I did stay pretty active while using them. The one draw back that I did experience was that, without the applicator, I was never quite sure that I had put it in correctly, but I assume that over time and with more practice that I'll figure them out better.
So ultimately, yes, I like o.b.®'s PRO COMFORT® Tampons. I will purchase them and use them again. Will I quit using pads and switch exclusively? Probably not. But that's due to my own personal preference, not because of any fault of the product.

**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and o.b.®.**

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