
Friday, March 11, 2016

Secret Clinical Strength® Deodorant: A Fresh Idea

Deodorant and I have an interesting relationship. I have overactive sweat glands and I seem to sweat a lot. This has always been a slight annoyance that I could generally resolve by applying deodorant more than once a day. Then, after the birth of my youngest child, all that changed when I added sensitive skin to the equation. Applying deodorant too often started irritating my skin, and when I tried Degree Motion Sense deodorant, to see if it would work better than Suave or Dove brand deodorants, I broke out in a rash and had to go a couple of weeks without being able to wear deodorant at all. I then had a lucky break when, at about the same time, I got an opportunity through #Crowdtap to try Secret Clinical Strength® deodorant. I was very excited when the box arrived with my sample so I could see if this product would work better for me than those that had recently failed me.
I was excited to get started trying Secret Clinical Strength® right away. I read the packaging, and the instructions said to apply the product at night before bed, and I tried that, but since I shower in the morning, not at night, the deodorant would get washed off. So I switched to using it in the morning and it has worked wonders ever since.
There are two things that I really like about this product. The first one is that it works all day long. I can put it on in the morning and it is still working when I go to bed at night. Second, it doesn't irritate my skin. As part of being a smooth solid, it goes on a little bit more like a lotion than the typical dry deodorant, and Secret® has incorporated skin conditioners into the product so it soothes my skin while keeping my sweat at bay. There is one draw-back, and that is that I've found is that I still experience wetness when I exercise. But despite having a few minor sweat stains after a workout, the scent keeps going and I still smell great. So if it comes down to having a rash and no sweat (not fun at all!) or having a few minor sweat stains, but my skin is happy and I keep smelling fresh, I'll take a little bit of wetness and good smell any day.

Prior to this sample opportunity, I had learned through my participation on #Crowdtap that Secret Clinical Strength® deodorant is formulated to not only work under ordinary conditions, but that it is made to work well for stress sweat as well. I've noticed in the past that I stress when I'm nervous or under a lot of pressure, but I didn't realize that a deodorant could be formulated to work just as well under those circumstances as for an active lifestyle.
It just so happened that I got to test how well this product works when I'm under a lot of stress. Last week my poor little daughter got sick. It was several days of fevers, coughing, and very little sleep for the both of us. I found myself getting overworked and stressed as I tried to help her feel better, but still try to take care of the rest of my family and the house as well. I didn't really have time to think about it at the time, but with the help of Secret Clinical Strength® I was able to cope with all this stress and not have to worry as much about myself. I put it on in the morning and went about my day as usual, and by night time it was still doing its job. I was so impressed, that although I have not yet gone out and purchased a full-sized product to use, I definitely will soon. Thanks Secret® for this opportunity to try your amazing product and for helping me stay fresh no matter what life throws my way.

**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and Secret®.**

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