
Friday, March 18, 2016

Garnier Whole Blend: Natural Health for Your Hair

As many of you know, I have a lot of hair. It is long, thick, coarse, and wavy. Each of these on it's own adds challenges to hair care, but to combine all of them makes my hair especially tricky. So when #Crowdtap offered me the opportunity to try three different varieties of Garnier's new Whole Blends product line, I jumped at the opportunity to see if any one of them would help me keep my hair healthier, smoother, and more manageable.
Garnier Whole Blends are formulated with natural ingredients. They have natural fragrances, and their ingredients can help the consumer have naturally healthy and nice smelling hair (who doesn't love having their hair smell nice after they wash it?). I got to try three different varieties. The first was Garnier Whole Blends Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner with Coconut Oil & Cocoa Butter.
I tried this blend first to see if it would help tame my wavy hair and reduce it's natural frizziness. When I opened it up in the shower, the first thing that I noticed was the smell. I loved it! If all my shampoo and conditioner smelled that great I would be in heaven. I applied the shampoo, and it lathered okay (the first sign I look for to see if a shampoo is going to work for my hair) and when I rinsed it out my hair felt clean. Next I used the conditioner.  It spread through my hair well without being too runny. When I rinsed it out it seemed like it left a good amount of smoothness behind, also a good sign that the conditioner is going to work for my hair. Then I got out, and went about my day. At first, right after I used this shampoo and conditioner combo I thought that it was helping. I liked how my hair looked that first day, but unfortunately the benefits didn't last. Maybe if I had been able to try the leave-in conditioner or smoothing oil I would have continued to benefit from its smoothing properties, but after only a day my hair started to frizz again. This left me a bit disappointed, especially since I've used other smoothing or anti-frizz shampoo and conditioner blends that cost less that seemed to be just as, if not more, effective for my hair.

Next I tried the Garnier Whole Blends Hydrating Shampoo & Conditioner with Coconut Water & Vanilla Milk.  Once again, when I opened the package, I loved the smell. I think there's something amazing about the smell of coconut. The shampoo lathered even better than the previous blend that I tried, and the conditioner spread through my hair really well.
This time, after showering, I decided to blow my hair dry, since that's when it seems to need hydrating the most. After drying it, I was impressed with the lack of frizz, and how manageable my hair was. And this time it didn't last just the first day. I kept on living life, my hair stayed nice and smooth, manageable, and my scalp didn't seem to get too oily - which made me think that it had gotten the moisture it needed so it wasn't over-producing oils. My hair lasted 5 days, and then I washed it, more so I could try the final blend in time to do my report, rather than because I absolutely had to.

Last, I tried Garnier Whole Blends Repairing Shampoo & Conditioner with Honey Treasures (Royal Jelly, Honey & Propolis - all made by bees as part of the honey making process). This blend was my least favorite. I didn't like the smell as much as the other two, and although the shampoo seemed to work okay, the conditioner seemed a bit heavy. It didn't want to spread throughout my hair quite as well, and it seemed to leave a little bit too much residue behind when I rinsed it out.
Once my hair dried, this Whole Blend variety just never quite did it for me. My hair seemed frizzer and less manageable that I like and I didn't seem to see any real benefits from it. And, the most annoying part is that within only three days my scalp was oily again and I needed to wash my hair again. This result clinched the fact that I probably won't ever purchase this variety, because I generally like to only wash my hair once a week, since my hair is so thick and long and takes so much product to get it clean in the first place.

So here are the summarized results: First, I liked the Garnier Whole Blends Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner okay, but I didn't see a good enough result to purchase this product over other smoothing/anit-frizz products that I've used in the past. Second, I really like the Garnier Whole Blends Hydrating Shampoo & Conditioner. It seemed to hydrate my hair really well, which reduced the frizz and made my hair more manageable. I will definitely consider purchasing this blend after my current shampoo and conditioner run out. Lastly, I did not like the Garnier Whole Blends Repairing Shampoo & Conditioner. This blend just didn't work for my hair. It might work just fine for others, but it is not a product that I will purchase for myself.

**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and Garnier.**

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