
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Advil® Film-Coated - Rapid Relief to Help Combat Winter Weather

I received this sampling of Advil® Film-Coated at the best time possible.  As soon as we got home from our pre-Christmas vacation, it started to snow. It has now snowed for several days in a row, and with snow fall comes not only the joy of playing in the snow that my kids focus on, but the inevitable headache of commuting through difficult traffic and hours of shoveling snow from our sidewalk and driveway.  In just the past two days, I've shoveled three times and my husband has shoveled twice. Here's what the area surrounding our house looked like this morning when I finally removed last night's snow:
My sample of Advil® Film-Coated from Crowdtap came in the form of 6 sample packs of the Advil® tablets and six coupons for future purchases. I used this sample pack in a couple of ways, we used it to help relieve my husband's headache, my muscle aches from shoveling snow, and gave a few sample packs and coupons away as part of a Christmas gift.
The night after the package arrived, we had our first opportunity to test the product.  My husband had just driven home from work in a snow storm and felt the beginnings of a migraine headache. Normally when this happens, he takes a couple of Aleve and drinks a caffeinated soda and hopes for the best. This time, instead of Aleve, I gave him two Advil® Film-Coated tablets and he agreed to wait a little while before drinking a soda so he could gauge how much the medicine was going to work for him.  I checked with him a half-hour later and he said that although the pain wasn't completely gone, his headache wasn't getting any worse. An hour later, after we had had dinner as well, his headache was gone, without any lingering caffeine buzz.
I was the next one to test out this product.  After shoveling our driveway for the second time yesterday, I was feeling aches in muscles that I had forgotten that I even had.  Within a half-hour of taking two Advil® Film-Coated tablets my aches had gone down and I was able to get up off the couch and have fun doing a Christmas craft with my kids. I forgot the aches and was able to have a fun and productive afternoon playing instead of having to lay out on the couch in pain.

After both my husband's successful trial with his headache, and my experience with how quickly the Advil® Film-Coated tablets helped with my muscle aches, I made a decision.  We were going to be going to my grandparents' house to visit yesterday evening, and so I made up an extra little Christmas gift to give them.  I stapled together a couple sample packs of Advil® Film-Coated and a couple of coupons, and added it to the gift basket that we were taking to them.
I have not yet made it to the store to purchase some more Advil® Film-Coated with some of my remaining coupons, but as soon as the holiday rush at the store dies down I am definitely going to add this to my medicine cabinet.  It seems to work better than my usual generic ibuprofen, and definitely started working faster than any medicine that I've taken in a long time. Thank you Crowdtap and Advil® for this sampling opportunity,  You have helped relieve our pain and bring more fun time to our holiday season.

**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and Advil®.**

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