
Monday, January 18, 2016

My Little Pony PLAYSKOOL Friends

"My little pony, my little pony . . . " The theme song for this TV show - both the original from my childhood, and the slightly modified song for the new one - starts running through my mind every time I see these cute little toys around my house. Both of my girls love these toys and we all really enjoyed having the opportunity to sample the PLAYSKOOL Friends My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Friendship Bus and Figure 2-Pack.
I remember both watching the TV show, and having My Little Ponies toys when I was a child, so I was super excited when my daughter discovered the new My Little Ponies show. I think that this was one reason why the PLAYSKOOL Friends My Little Pony toys were right up our alley.  First of all, these toys, both the Rainbow Dash Friendship Bus and the Figure 2-Pack were labeled as being for children aged 18 months and up.  My youngest daughter, R, is on the younger end of this age group and my older daughter, M, is 3. While they both like playing with these ponies, they fit R a little bit more, since they fit well in her smaller hands, and because she really likes putting things in and taking them back out of places.
Little R also got really excited when she discovered that she could push the button on the front of the bus and the door would open.  She also likes moving the sign open and closed, but doesn't really pay much attention to the spinning picture on the side.
Little M, on the other hand, really likes taking the "school bus" as she calls it, and driving the ponies around the house.  She knows who Rainbow Dash is from the TV show and she prefers her over the other two ponies, Moon Dancer and Minty. M will also make up stories about where the ponies are going and what they do once they get there. The girls also like playing together with these toys and it's fun watching M give R instructions as she explains to her little sister what the ponies are doing in her imagination.
Last week we also had the girls' cousin, E, come over for a play date.  E is about R's age and she loves ponies too.  She has the Rainbow Dash Friendship Bus at her house, as well as a My Little Pony Castle, so when she came to play she brought her castle and her ponies too so they could all play together.
While the girls played, I noticed one thing right off. The music that the castle played was a big draw and at first that's all that the girls wanted to play with, but it wasn't long before the novelty of the music and the castle wore off and both E and R went back to playing with the bus, while M could have just played with the castle the whole time.
During their play date it was fun watching all three girls load and unload the bus, drive it around, and take turns with both the bus and the castle. We (the moms) had to step in a couple of times to encourage sharing, but that's okay because kids occasionally need guidance when learning how to share. I especially enjoyed it when big brother, O, came upstairs and decided that he wanted to play too. I guess pony time and sharing is just contagious.
Overall, I was very impressed with the PLAYSKOOL Friends My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Friendship Bus and Figures. My girls (and boy) have really enjoyed playing with them. The pony figures are perfect for little hands and they don't have the crazy hair to get all tangled up when the girls play with them.  The bus is well built and has already held up well to all of the play time that it has experienced. It is easy enough for small children to understand how it works and to push around. It's also not very big, which is nice when it comes to minimizing the toy pile in my daughters' rooms. I hope that PLAYSKOOL continues to make more PLAYSKOOL Friends My Little Pony products because they will definitely be a welcome addition to play time at our house.

**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and the PlayskoolCrew.**

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