
Monday, October 28, 2013

Cottonelle Flushable Cleansing Cloths: A Fresh Clean Feeling is for the Whole Family, Not Just the Baby

Earlier this month I got another package from Crowdtap in the mail.  This time it was a package of Cottonelle FreshCare Flushable Cleansing Clothes with a nifty little dispenser and a couple packages of travel wipes to share with friends. 

After I opened the package, the first thing that I took a look at was the dispenser.  It is a small plastic box that is made to hold and dispense the wipes while protecting them as much as possible from drying out. Inside the main part of the container there is a small guide to hold the wipes in place.  The wipes fit perfectly into their compartment, and then the compartment lid closes to keep in the moisture.  The wipes are then fed through a small opening in the container for dispensing, and a second lid closes to keep that wipe dry and invisible as well.
I really like how this dispenser is put together.  It keeps the wipes in their place very well, and although we have now been using the wipes for about three weeks, they seem to be just as moist and fresh as when I first set up the dispenser.

I set the dispenser up in our main upstairs bathroom and it fits in just fine.  The color matches our toilet well, and since I'm not that much of a decorator I think I will keep it just as it is.  Also, as I have observed over the past couple of weeks, there's even enough room left on the back of the toilet to keep a magazine or book next to it.
As for the wipes themselves I have become converted to their value.  I don't use them every time I use the potty, but they come in handy for those times when toilet paper just doesn't get me clean enough.  My husband didn't like them very much, and he told me that they were a little too cold and uncomfortable for his liking, but my 5 year old son loves them.  After I showed him what they were and how to get them out of the dispenser, he took to using them after he does his business.  The first couple of times that he used them, he came running out of the bathroom to tell me that he was "all clean" now.

Now that my family had started using the wipes, I decided to try a new way to share the travel packs with my friends.  I put up a post on my Facebook wall asking my friends what they thought about using moist wipes and on a certain date I drew two names from my friends that commented to share the travel packs with.  The samples will be going out to them this week, and I had fun sharing this discussion with my friends online.
The feedback that I got from my friends was fairly simple.  Of those who had tried moist bathroom wipes, none of them had ever tried the Cottonelle brand wipes.  They had all tried various brands that were made for younger children and had used them when potty training their children.  They agreed that the wipes are great for younger children, but didn't have a lot of feedback on their usage for adults.  Hopefully my friends that get the sample packs will come to appreciate them a bit more.

As for my overall opinion of Cottonelle's Flushable Cleansing Cloths, I think I will be keeping them around. They are nice to have when they are needed and it helps my son feel more confident about leaving the bathroom nice and clean.  I will probably watch for them to go on sale at Walgreens or wait until I have a coupon to purchase them since I like to save money whenever possible.

**The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Product samples and program incentives were received as compensation for this product review. Product testing and review were performed in compliance with guidelines provided by Crowdtap and Cottonelle.**

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